Thursday, July 28, 2011

A month??

Wow...didn't realize I hadn't posted in a month.  Sorry people.  Not that I have many people following me, but still.  LOL

Running is going good!  I just completed Week 7!  I'm running...well, jogging, 28 minutes straight now!  Yay me!

Random:  That was a lot of "!'s" LOL

Anyway...I start Week 8 on Monday.  I have three more runs, and if I complete all three in a row, I'll be done with Couch to 5K in about a week and a half.  Wow.

I started this in April.  I remember those first runs.  I thought I was going to die.  I couldn't imagine getting to the point of being able to run continuously.  That just seemed so far out of reach.  People kept telling me this program worked.  And I know its been around for a while - so I had no real reason for not believing it did.  I guess my issue was believing in myself.  Thats something I need to work on.

I still have a goal to run a 5K in the fall.  October maybe?  I'm only completing about 2.25 miles - and that is with a 5 minute warm up walk and a 5 minute cool down walk.  My plan is to continue with the running.  Doing 30 minutes at a time, once I complete the program, and then start working on my speed/distance.

Running a 5K seems so far out of reach...but its like my fingers are brushing the tips of it.  I can ALMOST fathom it.  Almost...

Weight wise I'm doing great!  I've lost 30lbs...but I think I've gained a good amount of muscle, so I may have lost more than that in inches.

Here are a couple of pics, just for comparison.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Luckily I'm slacking on this blog and not my running.

I did ok last week, getting back into the swing of things.  I found a trick that gets me through the runs easier.  I noticed that as my runs got longer, I was having a really hard time.  I'd listen to my music and try to not focus on the time remaining.  But I didn't do very good at it.  Last week it was time for me to do my 8 minute runs.  I didn't know how I was going to do it.  So for the heck of it, I decided to attempt reading on my iPhone.  Not easy as you are running.  I kept losing my place...BUT, it really helped keep my mind off of the time left.  Before I knew it, I was done! fast forward to Friday.  I was working from home.  Work was a little slow.  It was a fairly cool, cloudy day...a little humidity, but there was a nice breeze.  I decided to get my butt up and attempt to do a run outside.

Now, I've heard running outside, when you are used to running on a treadmill, is a totally different experience.  Well, let me tell is.  Holy cow!  Not to mention, my next scheduled run was 20 minutes STRAIGHT.  But I decided that I had no good reason to not attempt it.  I figured that I'd just slow down if I needed to, but that I should at least try.

It was rough.  I felt like I was back at the beginning of this journey.  My chest was heavy.  My legs killed.  I was sweating even though it was cool with a nice breeze.  I had to slow down to a walk twice, but all in all, I did ok.  I was pretty proud of myself.

Well, yesterday I was back at work.  Back at the gym.  Scheduled to run on the treadmill.  I wasn't sure if I could do the full 20 minutes...but I figured I'd try.

I get on the treadmill and I decide to try the reading trick again.  It was hard.  But my breathing was ok.  My legs felt ok.  Before I knew it, it was counting down.  Every time 5 minutes passed it would tell me.  So I'd just try making it through that 5 minute run and then I'd tackle the next.

Well...four 5 minute runs later...I did it!  I did 20 minutes continuously!  No stopping!  I did a slow jog...but I did it!!!

Hard to believe that just a couple of months ago, I was getting winded walking up ONE flight of stairs.  Now, I'm jogging 20 minutes at a time! 

I feel like my goal of a 5k is within my reach.  I can see it in the distance...its coming into view a little bit more each time I run.  I can see it!!  I'm so very proud of myself.  So proud that I don't even have the right words...but I feel it...and I love it!

Yay me!!!  I think you can officially call me a runner!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Never again!

So, I never checked back in last week...but taking a week off DOES affect you.  I will never ever do that again.

I had a hard time getting through the 5 minute interval runs.  I really had to push myself.  And my legs were hurting afterward...not just sore...but they HURT.  By Thursday I was hurting big time.  So I took Friday off.

Yesterday I was not able to get to they gym...I'll go today and tomorrow.  Then Thursday and Friday are going to be difficult.  I'm afraid that will set me back as well.  Ugh.

I'm not quitting.  I'm still doing it.  But its rough. 

Oh and foot did fine.  No pain.  :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ready to Run!

So, my foot seems to be healing well.  Today...after just over a week off, I'm going back to the gym.  I think my foot will be ok.  I guess we'll see what happens when I put the sock and sneaker on.

I'm supposed to start Week 5 Run 2, which is two 8 minute runs.  But I think that I'm going to repeat the run I ended on, which is three 5 minute runs.  We'll see how I do with that.

I hope over a week off didn't screw me up too much.  But if it did, I'm not going to let it get me down.  I'm just going to keep going!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm nervous...I haven't been to the gym since last week.  I got a tattoo on my foot on Saturday and I knew that I would have to take a break from running.  My tattoo guy said I could put on a sneaker/sock whenever I felt comfortable enough to do it.

Well, my foot is still pretty sore.  And the tattoo is starting to scab over, so its tight feeling.  I know right now I would not be ok to put a sneaker on.  Its still uncomfortable wearing a flip flop.

I'm starting to get anxious...almost panicky, about not working out.  Its odd because I do not like the gym, but its like my body needs it at this point.  It feels odd to pack up my work stuff and head straight home.  Usually I pack up my stuff and head straight to the gym.

I'm also worried that taking a week of will set me back in my runs.  My next run is supposed to be 8 minute intervals.  I'm scared I won't be able to.  I wonder how long it takes for your body to take a few steps back.  I wonder if I'll have to go back to my 5 minute runs.  I just don't want to screw up my progress.

I'm going to give myself the rest of the week.  I think my foot needs the rest of the week.  On Monday I'm going to put my sneakers back on and attempt to do my run.  I hope I can do it.

So I guess I'll check in on Monday.

Here is the tattoo if anyone cares to see it:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I did it...again.

So, I did the Week 4 run again on Monday...and plan to do it today as well.  I did it.  It was tough, but I got through. 

I really think that the fact that I did the bike and leg weight machines before, last time, had something to do with not being able to finish last week.

I was told by a friend to do weights before I do my cardio...but I think, because most of the machines I'm doing, are leg machines, that its not helping me in the running department.  Its tiring out my legs before I get a chance to run.  I was talking to the trainer who works in the gym here at work and she said that she always does her cardio before the weights. 

Gah...who do I listen to??  I get one thing from one group and another from another group.  I guess in my head, I figure, at this least I'm doing it and who cares, right now, in what order I do it.  If I need to do my weights after I run, so that I can make it through, that is what I'm going to do.  (No offense Jackie ;-) LOL)

So today I will run again.  I'm not worried about it.  I will finish. 

Random TMI...what I do worry about today is the fact that I forgot my sports bra.  LOL  I'm not small chested.  It'll be interesting to see how this goes.  I may injure someone on the treadmill next to me!!  Hahaha!

I plan to do Week 4 the rest of this week...and possibly next week.  Not sure yet.  I haven't looked to see what Week 5 is.  LOL  I'm afraid to.  I am guessing its going to be 5 minute runs with a shorter rest in between.  Maybe I'll surprise myself and at least try it.

Another reason why I debate starting a new week, next week is that on the 4th (in a week and a half) I have an appointment to get a new tattoo.  Where you ask?  Crazy me...on my foot.  *smacks forehead*  I'm excited.  I've wanted it for a very long time...but figures, its going to mess up my running.  I'm pretty sure I won't be able to put a sneaker on for at least a week or so.  I'm even trying to figure out how to get ANY exercise the week after.  Can you wear flip flops to the gym?  LOL

In other news...I broke up with my boyfriend of 9 months, last week.  Its more of a relief.  I wasn't in love with him.  The old clique quote "I love you, but I'm not IN love with you" comes to mind.  It broke my heart to end things...he's a great guy.  I've decided that I should use my running as something to focus on for the next month or two...or longer.  Run to ease the pain instead of stuffing my face, and watching tv to ease the pain. 

So, wish me luck.  As I said the other day "Week 4...I OWN you!!"

Friday, May 20, 2011


So, Wednesday I went to do my Week 4, Run 2.  I was looking forward to doing it again.  I walk into the gym at work and all the treadmills were full.  So I figured I'd just do my weights and stuff first (which I usually do) and maybe by then someone will be off. 

I finish my weights.  Still no empty one.  Figured I go do my crunches and hand weights.  I usually do that after my run.  I finish.  Still no empty one.

So now I'm getting annoyed.  There is a time limit when the gym is full.  20 minutes.  If there are other empty for an hour if you want.  If they are all being used, you are to limit your time.  No one was following this rule.  Two had been on them almost 40 minutes.  Ugh.  So I knew I wasn't going to get a full run in.  I decided to go on one of the stationary bikes while I waited, but I was going to go slow in case I got the chance to run.  I didn't want to tire out my legs. 

5 minutes in...a treadmill opened up.  I still knew I wasn't going to get a full run it, but decided to do what I could.

Ran my first 3 minutes.  It was hard.  Harder than usual.  Then I got to my second run.  5 minutes.  I couldn't do it.  I literally could not move my legs.  I felt like I was going to fall over.  My chest hurt.  I had to stop.

I was SO mad at myself.  So mad.  Why was I able to do it Monday, but not Wednesday?

I thought maybe the bike had tired my legs out.  I also usually go on the end treadmill, next to where the fan is so I can have it blowing on me.  I couldn't do that, that day.  I was roasting and sweat was pouring off me.  I also could see myself in the mirror.  I did NOT like what I saw.

Those big thighs jiggling as I "ran".  How big I looked.  How pathetic I felt like I looked.  To me, I felt like I was running/jogging...but when I looked in the mirror, I felt like it looked pathetic.  Like I was barely moving my legs.

So maybe it was a combo of all of that.  I don't know.  I was...and still am...a little upset.  I know people say you'll have days like that.  I had planned to try again Thursday - even though that isn't my normal running day - but last minute I had to bring my daughter to the doctors.  And today I am not at work - so no gym.

I'm going to try again Monday.  I just hope I can find that strength in me again.  I hope it was just the circumstances from Wednesday that didn't allow me to finish.  I don't want to feel like that again.

In better news...I lost 4lbs this past week.  Very happy about that.  I've met my mini goal of 250lbs by the end of May.  So yay me!